Not frustrated? Then take a hike.

After blowing another game yesterday and once again failing to prove his worth to Mets fans, Victor Zambrano said he's "not frustrated." Really? He should be. Victor must not be familiar with the old phrase, "if you're not pissed off, then you must not be paying attention." If I had an e.r.a. of almost 10, I'd be frustrated. Add to that the fact that the team I played for had traded their top pitching prospect for me, add I would be damn sure to show some public concern for my lack of results.
The situation is only made worse because Kris Benson now calls Camden Yards his home; at least if things had gone south with Kris, we still would have had Anna around. Minaya and Co. better do something about the Zambrano Syndrome soon or it will turn into their own Iraq. Right now there's no apparent exit strategy and innocent Mets fans are in danger of having their dreams shattered.
In other news, it appears that Doug Mientkiewicz has finally given up his fight for his little balls. Okay, that was a cheap shot. But really, how cheap is this bastard? It's not enough for him that he was a member of the 2004 World Series champion Red Sox. It's not enough that he was playing in the field when that historic out was made. It's not enough that he was able to live what so many tens of millions of us could only dream of. No, he needs to piss and moan and play keep away with the ball that was the last out, even joking that it was his "retirement fund." He makes over $2 million a year, people, and he's not very good.
But pissing and moaning is something he does well. He was bitter when the Mets sent him packing. He really never liked being there, he claimed, and was happy to be moving on. I'm sure he's loving life in Kansas City. And I know we really miss him in Shea. All we have is this Delgado guy. Talk about frustrating.
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