Wright as rain

Well the All-Star game has passed us. I must admit, I was looking forward to it with all the anticipation of a man heading to a Kenny G concert. Seriously, since the inception of interleague play, the mid summer classic has held all the appeal of a Democratic Party fundraiser featuring the comedy of Sinbad. But it still beats any other all-star game.
And the saving grace for me this year was that it turned out to be a well pitched game (except for the top of the 9th). It was nice to see David Wright hit a home run. It couldn't happen to a nicer kid. Really. Have you ever seen an interview with David Wright? You just know he watch Bull Durham and soaked it all in. He probably recites the Great Monologue to himself as he cruises the Long Island Expressway. He's a class act. And so was Crash Davis.
So the AL won again and gets home field advantage in the World Series. Congrats. I'm happy for you. But now that the game is over and we begin our trek down the backside of the season, I feel compelled to make a few predictions for what remains of the 2006 season. Not because I've been aching to look into my crystal ball, but because it's Wednesday and I committed to a deadline.
1. Will Dusty Baker still be wearing Cubby Blue come October? Does it really matter?No it doesn't. And he won't. The next manager? Steve Stone.
2. Mets, Cardinals and Dodgers in the playoffs. Wildcard? Can't tell. Crystal ball is clouded by Makers Mark residue from last night.
3. Scott Kazmir will win the Cy Young so that I can continue to boil in my disgust over the trade that sent him away from Shea.
4. Bud Selig will be eaten by a pack of wild dogs in the remote wilderness of Western Canada. It will be known as the day God returned baseball to the fans.
Amen and good luck to you and your team, unless that team is in the NL East and is not the Mets.
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