Bonds on Bonds on Mute

Ben Godar
By now, we've all had the image of Barry Bonds in frat house drag burned into our retinas. But even more disturbing than a faux Paula Abdul with 24-inch pythons is the fact that the whole stunt was staged for the upcoming reality series "Bonds on Bonds."
The show is being produced by ESPN Original Entertainment, the crew that brought you such cinematic classics as "Some Guy Pretends to be Bobby Knight" and "Some Guy Pretends to be Bear Bryant." As dismal as that track record is, they may have reached a new low with this production.
Is there anyone in America who wants to listen to what Barry Bonds has to say? I'm no Bonds hater - I'll always pay a few bills to watch the man play. But listening to that egomaniac talk is like taking a razor blade to your soul. Are fans of arrogant nonsense being so underserved by The Bachelor?
Of course, that's assuming Bonds will actually appear on his own show. How do we know he won't just insist they put the camera on his kid?
If this week's stunt is any indication, those of us who watch Baseball Tonight religiously are in for a long season. We don't know if Barry Bonds is going to break Hank Aaron's home run record or retire in the middle of the season. But now we know that, whatever he does, it will all be one long publicity stunt.
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